Nepenthes sibuyanensis x [(ventricosa x sibuyanensis) x TM] Clone B - CAR-0037
A cross between our variegated sibuyanensis and an oustanding clone of (ventricosa x sibuyanensis) x Trusmadiensis. These plants have shown a high degree of variability thus far but seem to be heavily influenced by the sibuyanensis parentage with more pronounced teeth and striping coming from the male parent. We've grown these under a wide range of conditions and they seem to excel.
Plants are seed grown unless otherwise specified.
This product is considered a Intermediate Tropical plant. Please see our Shipping and Guarantees policy for cold/hot weather shipping guidelines.
Most of our products come with multiple shipping options. For those that are unpotted, you can add Pots and Soil or Hanging Baskets a la carte.