Nepenthes ventricosa "Denver" x (ventricosa x rigidifolia), CAR-0079
A cross between the giant "Denver" clone of Nepenthes ventricosa and EP's ventricosa x rigidifolia. These plants should closely resemble ventricosa but many will have the deep purple/chocolate color of Nepenthes rigidifolia. We've found these to be extremely vigorous growers under lowland to highland conditions. A great beginners plant or for any collector who wants to add a richly colored Nepenthes with heavy ventricosa influence to their collection. Thank you to Kris Hardy for allowing us to use his ventricosa "Denver" photo.
Plants are seed grown.
This product is considered a Intermediate Tropical plant. Please see our Shipping and Guarantees policy for cold/hot weather shipping guidelines.
Most of our products come with multiple shipping options. For those that are unpotted, you can add Pots and Soil or Hanging Baskets a la carte.