Nepenthes ventricosa "Denver" x spectabilis "Giant", CAR-0022
Nepenthes ventricosa x spectabilis and the reverse cross have always been some of our favorites. Here we took the largest and most vigorous ventricosa in cultivation (a clone called Denver) and crossed it with Borneo Exotic's giant spectabilis. The resulting cross retains the same characteristics we love but but with even more robust, squat pitchers with a wide striped, peristome. The pitchers start out vibrantly striped cream and red then darken to red and black striped as they age. Each one of these is an individual seed grown plant and once supplies run out it will be years before we can re-do this cross again. We've grown these plants in highland, intermediate and lowland conditions and they seem to do very well which isn't surprising given the vigor of ventricosa "Denver".
This product is considered a Intermediate Tropical plant. Please see our Shipping and Guarantees policy for cold/hot weather shipping guidelines.
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