Nepenthes {[(Rokko x boschiana) x veitchii] x (lowii x truncata)}, CAR-0448
Nepenthes {[(Rokko x boschiana) x veitchii] x (lowii x truncata)- Giant}, CAR-0448 should be stunning. It's a cross between 2 of the most famous hybrids in cultivation. This cross should be ideal for beginners and collectors alike, offering both striking aesthetics and ease of growing. We look forward to seeing the results of this exciting combination! Expect some truly stunning specimens from this batch.
We expect these plants to grow well under a wide range of conditions given their wide range of parents.
This product is considered an Intermediate Tropical plant. Please see our Shipping and Guarantees policy for cold/hot weather shipping guidelines.
Most of our products come with multiple shipping options. For those that are unpotted, you can add Pots and Soil or Hanging Baskets a la carte.