Nepenthes hamata x veitchii
Nepenthes hamata x veitchii is an outstanding hybrid exhibiting great teeth and color. We have been pleasantly surprised by the range of orange/peach/red colors that the plants exhibit when their pitchers first open. Over time, these darken. We've found it to be tolerant of a wide range of growing conditions. Plants for sale are from Borneo Exotics, BE-3943 with the hamata parent being from the Tambusisi locale and the male parent being a Bareo veitchii.
This product is considered a Intermediate Tropical plant. Please see our Shipping and Guarantees policy for cold/hot weather shipping guidelines.
Most of our products come with multiple shipping options. For those that are unpotted, you can add Pots and Soil or Hanging Baskets a la carte.